[This is a guest post by Samantha from The Rising Damselwith 7 Pinterest tips to drive massive traffic to your blog. Samantha shows you how to revamp your Pinterest account to get traffic to your website from day one! She shares great inside Pinterest tips and tricks she used to grow her blog and reach over 3 millionpeople with her Pinterest account! I know I personally struggled with Pinterest when I first started my blog and if it wasn’t for this awesome course, I wouldn’t have learned how to use Pinterest correctly to gain followers daily on autopilot and increase my blog traffic!]
Table of Contents
7 Secret Pinterest Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
Pinterest is the one platform that can give you phenomenal viewership growth from the very first day. That’s truly from your day one….with zero followersand a curiosity and desire to see your blog and business grow!
When you start to engage Pinterest as a marketing tool, you will see a big difference, almost immediately, in the amount of your daily views, blog interactions and overall subscribers!
It all starts with one simple pin.
When you are using Pinterest to its fullest potential, you must change your mindset. I see the same mistakes made repetitively. Don’t ruin your potential right off the bat.
*Be sure to have a Pinterest business account in order to reap all the benefits of Pinterest and use these 7 tips below toincrease traffic to your blog*
1. Be a team Player
When I started using Pinterest, I used it solely for my own gains. If you are currently also doing that then you need to reassess how you pin.
Using it for your own gains means that you are only pinning your own content.
This is counterintuitive. If you want growth, is it most beneficial to share only personal pins? It’s not!
I’ll be blunt here, other people have more popular pins than yours. When someone else’s pin is on your board, that becomes your quality content and increases your popularity too!
Pinterest, unlike other platforms, is evergreen. A pin will live on forever and will keep accumulating views and stats.
Old Pins affect Pinterest’s algorithm differently than new pins. As a pinner, you can benefit from these pre-existing stats simply by pinning other people’s content.
Some niches are much more apt to use Pinterest than other niches. Pinning outside of your niche is an easy way to gain and reach more influence quickly on the platform. This is exactly why Pinterest created the “Follow Board” vs “Follow All” features.
The more high-quality pins you share from all sorts of niches, the more likely people will follow all of your boards. This way, you will increase your Pinterest followers too!
Use these Pinterest templates to design Pinterest graphics in 5 minutes or less and see how quickly your pins go viral as well.
2. Pin Quality Images
A pin’s description is what makes it visible. Pinterest is a search engine much like Google after all! The better your descriptions are, the more likely your pins will pop up. So make sure your pin images are looking great too with these easy to use Pinterest templates.
There are 100 Canva Pinterest templates you can use and check out some of the beautiful Pin designs here.
This is true for ALL pins that you pin, not just your own pins. Every pin you pin on Pinterest is a chance for you to grow. If you allow subpar quality pins on your page, your follower counts will subsequently suffer.
Always remember to check the pins you pin prior to pinning them. There is a lot of spam on Pinterest.
For example, a seemingly helpful exercise infographic could link erroneously to weight loss pills.
It’s your job as a pinner to not spread junk to your followers. If you’re guilty often enough, even if unknown to you, you will lose followers. It takes 2 seconds to make sure a link is of good quality.
Actionable Tip:
There are probably tons of people who you follow that already do this legwork for you! There’s no shame in sharing 10 pins from someone’s board and scheduling another 20. If you trust their pins and love their content, it’s a win-win for both of you. Seek out some of your favorite pinners and then pin directly from their boards instead of waiting for something in your feed to catch your eye. Learn how to design Pins in Canva with this.
Where Should You Pin From?
If you aren’t using your Pinterest analytics page to pin, you are doing way too much work!
“Your Pinterest Profile” has all of your top quality pins listed for you.
Go to your Analytics and click Your Profile, below the charts, you will see your TOP PIN IMPRESSIONS- from the last 30 days.
Dozens of pins with analytics will show up! It’s an overlooked treasure trove of pins that your followers want to see and they’ve already told you what they love!
I like to pin using this page 10-15 times a day.
It’s like a shot of coffee to your Pinterest account every single time.
Actionable Tip:
It’s a good idea to create a ‘best of’ or ‘most popular’ board. This can be private or public. Go there to quickly grab popular pins whenever you are pressed for time.
Easy Keyword Research – Pinterest SEO
Keywords and hashtags will make it more likely that your pin will appear in someone’s search query.
Did you know that you can do all of your keyword research on Pinterest? It’s actually one of the easiest ways to see popular tags.
In your search bar, type the subject you are writing about… as soon as you hit enter, 10-15 keywords will pull up below your search. These are the trending keywords related to your subject! You can use these keywords in your pin descriptions, blog titles and posts.
Notice that in the picture above, I’ve actually highlighted all of the keywords. Just copy and paste these popular keywords to your pin descriptions. I add hashtags for consistency and reading ease.
You shouldn’t overload a pin with keywords, but hashtags are free game!
Actionable tip:
Go to your analytics page and update your pin descriptions. Use ‘what’s in it for me’ statements to increase interaction on your pins. Remember to end your descriptions with hashtag keywords. Here is a list of high impact hashtags for maximum exposure.Add hashtags and keywords to your board descriptions. This increases their value and increases the chances that Pinterest will suggest your board when someone searches that keyword.
3. Board Organization for Optimal Viewing
Do you know what your most popular content is? It’s easy to see if you look at your analytics page!
When you are organizing your boards, it’s important to highlight what your followers want to see.
Appealing to your followers and readers will lead to long term support.
Go to your Analytics page and look at Your Pinterest Profile. Your impressions will be listed and it’s a great place to see what people are pinning from your boards.
Your boards should focus on your website first and after that organize it by most popular. It’s also a good idea to leave your group boards at the bottom.
A lot of people ask me whether or not branded boards are necessary. I say they are not. Your creativity might be great, but avid pinners would prefer to see a glimpse into your pin boards, not a recreated Canva or PicMonkey Template.
Actionable Tip:
Reorganize your boards so that the top 12 most popular boards are listed first with your website boards listed in first priority.
4. How to Use Your Personal Boards
Do you have group boards as well as personal boards? Most people do. I would highly suggest joining some group boards if you haven’t already started exploring. Feel free to join my group board here.
My technique for group boardsand personal boards will ensure that your personal boards are pristine and full of pins that have a lot of repins.
I only pin to my personal boards when the pin has done well in my analytics page.
That means on a day-to-day basis I am predominantly re-sharing tried and true content to group boards and only pinning viral pins to my personal boards.
I rarely pin a ‘new’ pin to my personal boards because at that point I don’t know how they will perform. This keeps my boards clean and my followers happy.
All of my pin experiments and even pins created from my own website go on group boards first.
With that, my personal boards have great stats! You can accomplish this for yourself by simply pinning from your analytics page.
5. The Importance of Manual Pinning
What does manual pinning really mean?
Manual pinning is pinning without a scheduler such as Tailwind. Scheduled pins are not linked with their stats. That means every scheduled pin is new as far as Pinterest is concerned.
Part of manual pinning is being smart about where you pin. You should only pin high quality vetted pins to your personal boards.
Learn the manual pinning strategies in this course.
If a pin has been pinned 980 times already… do you want that pin to say 0 on your board or 981?
Manual pinning will ensure that the pin stats maintain at 981.
This will give your personal board more credibility since your Virality Stats are based on how many of the pins on your board have been repinned at least once.
The higher your overallviralityand engagement scores are, the more likely Pinterest will suggest your pin to other pinners as a ‘Follow Now’ option.
That’s right, when you have high-quality personal boards with great statistics, Pinterest will start highlighting your profile for you!
6. How Do I Pin For Maximum Exposure?
Use your analytics page to find your popular pins! It’s one of the most important Pinterest tools you have at your disposal. Give the people what they want and stop guessing.
My blog focuses on social media and HR guidance for entrepreneurs.
Despite that, my most popular boards and pins on Pinterest are as follows: Breakfast Ideas, Office Style / Fashion, Exercise Tips, Wedding Hacks, Ways to Earn Money, DIY, and Bread. You weren’t expecting that, were you?
I would never have guessed it either unless I was able to reference my analytics page.
If I was unwilling to continue to pin the content that drives my analytics, I would be missing out on a huge number of people who are actively looking at my Pinterest account and following ALL of my boards.
It’s perfectly alright to step out of your own niche and think about what the majority of people are interested in.
Actionable tip:
Brainstorm 2 new board ideas based on popular pins in your analytics. Start pinning beautiful images that feature “what’s in it for me statements” and link correctly. Health, Wellness, Gardening, Crafts and Mom boards are especially popular.
7. What Does My Normal Pinning Day Look Like?
I pin between 30-50 pins manually and use Tailwind to pin another 30-50 pins a day. Bringing my daily pinning total to between 60-100 on a very aggressive day.
40% of the pins I pin have been created by me and focus on my website. The other 60% is pinning other people’s content.
40% of all pins scheduled on a daily basis are pinned to my personal boards and 60% are pinned to group boards.
When you start to pin from your analytics page, it’s really easy to accomplish these types of numbers.
As I mentioned it’s important to capture those repin numbers by manually pinning if you are using a scheduler such as Tailwind. So once more, make sure to schedule to your group boards.
This amount of pins may seem like a lot, but when you are using high quality pins from your own analytics page you can pin hundreds of pins within minutes.
For an easy way to track all of your social media in one place, check out my free social media scorecard and daily suggestions for all of your social media accounts. It’s important to take all aspects of your social media growth seriously.
If you really want to perfect Pinterest then I highly recommend these courses to bring massive traffic to your blog:
- Most affordable Pinterest course (beginner)
- Best Priced Pinterest Course (beginner to advanced)
- Most Comprehensive Pinterest course (beginner to advanced)
- Lights Canva Action (Canva 101 course for all levels)
6 Best FREE and Paid Pinterest Courses For Bloggers
You may be wondering which ones are the best Pinterest courses out there and which ones I’ve personally taken that have helped me the most in my blog?
So I put together this blog post that covers 6 of the best Pinterest courses out there. Definitely check them out!
CONCLUSION – 7 Secret Pinterest Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Blog
I hope that these tips have inspired you to look at your Pinterest account differently. When you start to participate in pinning other people’s content, your page will benefit from day one.
Through this technique, along with only manually pinning to my personal boards, I reach over 3 million people with my Pinterest account and Pinterest itself accounts for over 80% of my website traffic.
A mix of your own content plus high quality content from other pins and niches is what will set you ahead of other pinners and give you the results you want.
I hope that you enjoy all your new followers and the relationships that you will create through social media!
OTHER ARTICLES Related to Pinterest Tips:
- 100 Pinterest Graphics and Templates For Your Blog
- 6 Best Free and Paid Pinterest Courses to Master it
- 4 Reasons to Join this FB Group
About Samantha:
Samantha runs The Rising Damsel, a lifestyle blog that focuses on social media and HR guidance for motivated entrepreneurs. Samantha holds her PHR and SHRM-CP certifications and aims to help others live a successful life through financial freedom. After reaching millions of monthly viewers on Pinterest, she decided to start sharing her secrets for blog growth!
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I am going to be honest, when I first started using Pinterest, I did not like it! It was too much work for me – making pins, pinning, repining and that too on a daily basis! I would easily spend 4 HOURS in a day doing nothing but Pinterest. It got addictive and was a huge time suck.
Same thing when I started with Instagram! It was also time consuming and not easy to post through your phone worrying about saving the best hashtags, etc.
Tailwind has really solved both of those problems for me! Now I can use my time wisely doing other things for my blog and business because all my pinning and posting is on auto-pilot!
Check it out here for FREE. You will love it!
Everyone uses Canva but I like to be different. I love Picmonkeyfor all my creative work- photo editing, graphic designing, collage making, edits and touch ups! It’s great for making your Pinterest pins and editing all your images. I use it for both Pinterest and Instagram images.
Try it for FREE hereand let me know how you like it! I am sure you will be hooked.
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Everything was easily laid out for you, and I have not taken any training either. I also do not come from any technical background. So for all these reasons, I love this theme and highly recommend it for a beginner.
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This is a good simple beginner guide for blogging. It is reasonably priced and provides you lots of value where you can quickly start blogging right away!
This one is another great resource on how to make money from blogging with simple, easy to follow steps and real examples.
This short simple book by Louise L. Hayis my favorite to begin the day with! So many people I know including myself who read it first thing in the morning to set their positive intentions for the day.
It’s really important how you begin your day and what mood you are in because that has a direct correlation with how your day will progress. This little yet powerful book is a reminder to think happy thoughts and once you start getting in the habit of doing that, you will start to manifest those thoughts in reality.
Brian Tracy is well-known as an amazing motivator and writer. This bookwill truly transform you in ways you can’t imagine!
You will learn some of the best-proven habits of millionaires and how to be one! I found it easy to read and no matter what stage of your life you are at, you will benefit from the tips and action steps provided in the book to help you achieve the results you desire.
In my experience, this book not only helped me so much with my business but also with my personal growth. Everyone has some “bad habits”and often, we don’t even realize that we need to evolve and replace our “bad habits” with “good habits.”
This book really helped me get rid of my “bad habits” and as a result, I am so productive and happy every day. Yes, your habits have a direct correlation with your happiness as well!
Click here to read more about it on Amazon.
Tony Robbins is another successful self-made millionaire that teaches you how to take massive action. I have read his book – AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN– several times and every time, I learned something new!
Now I keep an audio copy of the bookin my library at home so whenever I need to refresh my mind, I read a passage that provides practical insight and techniques I can implement easily. You will love this book!
Wayne Dyer was one of my favorite writers! Your thoughts dictate your actions. If you are one of those people who views the “glass half empty”rather than viewing the “glass half full”then you MUST read this book and learn to transform yourself.
This booktaught me how to stop negative thoughts and eliminate thoughts that were hindering my progress. Now I know what my erroneous zones are and how to find a positive in everything.
This book will help you reach your true potential!
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